Saturday, July 31, 2021

Thank You SO Much!


A BIG thank you to all of my supporters as I launch my new Etsy Shop.

    "Wishing you the best for your shop!"  ~Shazeeda Designs

    "Congrats and best of luck!"  ~bycandyp

    "Way to go!  Congratulations!"  ~Renee McCoy

    "Good for you!"  ~Radical Embroiderer

    "Congrats!  Best of luck with it!"  ~Marigold Rain 

    "I wish you the very best with your shop!"  ~Cassy from Archer Knits

    "Good for you!"  ~Suzanne Ledes Masikkerbol

So grateful for the support. It means a lot.  THANK YOU!

 My Shop is live!  You can click HERE to find it.



Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
I look forward to hearing from you on my website at 
or right here on my blog 
(you're reading it!) at

Thursday, July 29, 2021




So excited to announce the launch of my online shop, Marsha Makes!  The creation of my shop has been such an awesome experience.  I've enjoyed putting all the (numerous!) pieces together to finally get it up and running.

You can learn more about the items I'm listing in my shop, as well as some other fun facts about my new venture by clicking HERE.


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
I look forward to hearing from you on my website at 
or right here on my blog 
(you're reading it!) at

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Final Weekend of Our DNA at Kehler Liddell Gallery in New Haven

 This has been such a great show.  Just a few more days and it will be time to de-install. 

Thank you, Kehler Liddell, for the feature and Instagram post.


You can see more on my Instagram at @marshamakes.


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
I look forward to hearing from you on my website at 
or right here on my blog 
(you're reading it!) at

Friday, July 9, 2021

Our DNA at Kehler Liddell Gallery in New Haven!

I'm over the moon to be included in Kehler Liddell's 5th Annual Juried Show in New Haven, Connecticut!  Titled Our DNA, the exhibit runs through July 25th, 2021.

Here's a little blurb from the gallery:

    For this year’s juried show, the artists at KLG asked their colleagues to consider the following:

    We humans are biological siblings, belonging to the genus Homo, and as Sapiens, the last surviving species of our genus. The last year spoke loudly of divisions and differences, but for this exhibit, we ask you as artists to focus on our 99.9% shared genome. Using any tools or languages, explore the belief systems and vocabularies of our family tree that touch on our common physical or metaphorical DNA, our essential humanity, the soul of the Sapien.

Having reviewed submissions from as far away as Cyprus, and as close as our own Elm City, the jury curated an exhibition showcasing the responses of over 50 artists working in a wide range of media.

You can check out images from all the artists in the show HERE.  

Here is my work, in an image captured by the gallery:

WE (Cut from the Same Cloth) I and II, Marsha Borden

And here is what The Daily Nutmeg had to say about it -

"A few works emphasize the “Our” in the exhibition’s title—the characteristics we share. Marsha Borden’s companion pieces WE (Cut From the Same Cloth) I and II are literally so—patchwork pieces labeled “Us” and “Them” stitched together into a doll and a ball. The titles emphasize our similarities, while the pieces ironically point to an impulse to differentiate and divide that is sewn into us."

A HUGE thank you to Kathy Leonard Czepiel, Associate Editor at Daily Nutmeg (New Haven's Weekly Magazine), for an insightful review of the show.  You can read the full article HERE.

You can read a second review of the show HERE, this one by the awesome Brian Slattery at New Haven Independent.  

Thanks for reading!  


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
I look forward to hearing from you on my website at 
or right here on my blog 
(you're reading it!) at