Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Knot & Natter: A Fiber Arts Conversation


I’m so excited to host a new, virtual FREE class for Guilford Art Center called Knot & Natter:  A Fiber Arts Conversation!  COVID-19 has caused most of us to hunker down inside our homes and wait for restrictions to be lifted.  I can’t think of a better way to spend some time than to connect with like-minded folks who love all things fiber!   

We kicked things off last Friday (April 24, 2020) with a large bunch of enthusiastic knitters, natural dyers, sock makers, and yarn sculpturers, to name a few.  It was great to share yarn sources, fiber techniques, free resources, and charitable organizations who accept handmade donations.

You won’t want to miss the next one. 

The sessions are held on Fridays during the lunch hour, 11:45 to 12:30 PM.  To sign up, go to Guilford Art Center’s Website, found here.

See you there!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Windowed Worlds Public Art Installation

At the beginning of last month, I was selected by a community jury to complete a public art installation in the city of New Haven, Connecticut.  My proposal/project is for a site-specific installation in an empty storefront located very near the central green downtown. 

I've been busy working on the individual elements that will comprise the installation.  It's a tricky spot to design for, because the storefront window alcoves offer nearly a 360 degree view, as the windows are located on an intersection.  

More about this project soon!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Natural World Unfolds

While we've all been glued to the news and COVID-19, spring has been unfolding all around us.  I think nature is telling us to get outside.

Daffodils are my all-time favorite flower.  I took some time to appreciate them yesterday - while social distancing, of course:
Perfection in a Flower
Hello, Spring!

I Love You, Daffodils!
Other plants and flowers are also blooming - magnolias, forsythias, azaleas - but I remain devoted to the daffodil.  Thank you, daffodils, for making my day.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

I'm Working Some Sustainable Magic Over Here!

While I admit I'm an avowed homebody, after two weeks of self-quarantine, I'm feeling a little restless.

Lucky for me I have needles, thread, and fabric at home.  I find sewing by hand to be tremendously comforting.  Why?  I think it has something to do with the fact that I approach it in a very freeform, almost joyful way.  I do not think about mistakes and I do not think about being perfect with every stitch.  I DO think about how empowered I feel by not being constrained by a sewing machine - that I can build clothing with the simple act of needle, thread and stitch is a revelation.  I savor each stitch and I feel peaceful as I sew.

Lately I've been working on several garments I've made with upcycled fabrics - mostly t-shirts.  So far I've made an adult-sized skirt and an adult-sized poncho, as well as two child's skater's skirts for my daughter.  I've used a combination of sources for the patterns - library books, pre-existing paper patterns, online resources - but always modifying things as I go.

Whipstitch on Tie Dye

Garment sewing by hand has been a meaningful, calming avocation during these long, slow days in confinement with my family.  I'll post more as I go along..it looks as if we are in for a long period of seclusion.

Stay home and stay safe, everyone!