Thursday, February 25, 2021

Keeping On - Current Exhibit at Guilford Art Center

I had a chance to take a look at the current exhibit at Guilford Art Center (GAC) in Guilford, CT, and everything looks great!  It was interesting and fun to take a look at the work of several GAC instructors.....and, of course, my own!


Cautiously Optimistic, Fiber, 35" x 60", Marsha Borden

Cautiously Optimistic, Fiber, 35" x 60", Marsha Borden

Cautiously Optimistic, Fiber, 35" x 60", Marsha Borden

Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Exciting News! GAC Gallery Re-Opens!

The gallery at Guilford Art Center is re-opening!  Read on:

As the challenges of the past year have exacted an enormous toll, artistic practice and pursuit have proven a balm for many.  Guilford Art Center plans a multi-media exhibit of faculty work, called “Keeping On,” from February 17 – March 27This exhibition shares how GAC instructors have engaged with their art to help them “keep on” during this time of the pandemic, or even how they have struggled, or changed creatively.  Featured works include ceramics, painting, drawing, fiber art, metals, and sculpture by members of our 50 person faculty.

 “We are so excited to re-open our gallery doors this year”, says Maureen Belden, GAC Executive Director.  “We had to cancel our exhibitions in 2020 due to pandemic restrictions, so it is encouraging to welcome the public back to the gallery with safety procedures in place.  It’s so important that we can appreciate art in all its forms, especially the experience of seeing it in person.  We are energized to launch this faculty show and plan to host more exhibits throughout the year for the entire community to enjoy.”

The GAC gallery is open Wednesday – Friday, 12:00-4:00pm and Saturdays 10:00 am-4:00pm.  The gallery is free and open to the community. Mask wearing and social distancing is required upon entry. 

I'm excited to see my work exhibited at the gallery.  More soon!

Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically and I look forward to hearing from you on my website at or right here on my blog at

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Virtual Sewing Circle and Indigenous North American Art

I'm so proud to be adding my voice to yet another creative collaboration, this one through Yale University Art Gallery and Denver Museum of Art.  This past Sunday, I met virtually with over 100 people, and we embroidered messages in conjunction with artists Marie Watt (Seneca) and Cannupa Hanska Luger (Manda, Hidasta, Arikara, Lakota) for their new work Each/Other.    

The idea is that each person embroiders a message that responds to these questions - What would the world look like if, as humans, we thought of ourselves as companion species?  Can acts of creative collaboration help heal broken bond with the environment and with each other?  Messages are embroidered onto bandanas and/or 22" square fabric, and these pieces are then combined to create a soft sculpture. 

The sculpture will be installed as part of the exhibition Each/Other, with artworks by both Cannupa and Marie, at Denver Museum of Art, seen here (click) - Each/Other at Denver Art Museum.  This exhibit is a compliment to the one currently at Yale Art Gallery, Place, Nations, Generations, Beings:  200 Years of Indigenous North American Art.  Unfortunately, the exhibit has been closed due to COVID-19, and also unfortunately, I did not have a chance to see it before it closed.  You can read more about here - Indigenous Art - Yale University Art Gallery.

Here is mine: 

Protect Mother Earth by Marsha Borden

Detail, Protect Mother Earth by Marsha Borden

I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically and I look forward to hearing from you on my website at or right here on my blog at