Friday, November 26, 2021

Holiday Goods in My Etsy Shop for Black Friday

In my last post, I highlighted Guilford Art Center's Shop and all the amazing stuff there.

Today, I'm calling attention to my own shop - Marsha Makes on Etsy !

Take a look at my new listings.  And wherever you shop today, please keep in mind small businesses, local businesses, artists, and handmade!

Happy Shopping!

Blue Glass Ornament with macrame by Marsha Makes on Etsy


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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Holiday Shopping at Guilford Art Center!

I'm participating in Guilford Art Center's Artistry Holiday Shop this year!  

I love this place.  I teach here, take classes here, and shop here.  It's great to be able to show some of my craft work alongside that of many other local artists. 

Guilford Art Center, Guilford, Connecticut

My Vintage Button Brooches (Lower Left)

My Hand Knit Greeting Cards (Top Row)

Granny Circle Ornament

If you live locally, definitely check it out! 


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Thursday, October 21, 2021

ETSY Shop Announcement!

I've just added some new stock to my ETSY Shop!  

 A sneak peek:

Check it out here - Marsha Makes Shop on Etsy!


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Monday, October 18, 2021

I'm in the Guilford Art League's 73rd Annual Juried Show!

I have two mixed media sculpture pieces that were accepted into this juried show!  And here they are:

Oh, Leaf Me Alone (back wall), Marsha Borden, 2021

Oh, Leaf Me Alone (detail view), Marsha Borden, 2021

Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong, Marsha Borden, 2021

Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong, Marsha Borden, 2021


The Guilford Art League presents its 73rd Annual Juried Exhibit & Sale on view at The Gallery at Guilford Art Center from Monday, September 13 – Saturday, October 2. Juried by Lenny Moskowitz, the colorful and eclectic show features more than 100 Connecticut artists working in all media including oils, watercolor, pastels, acrylics, sculpture, collage, mixed media, printmaking, and photography.

From the Juror, Lenny Moskowitz, Connecticut landscape painter -  “I was somewhat introspective in choosing works for the show.  This may be due to the coronavirus pandemic, which may have made people look inward. But on the other hand, this situation may have also influenced the artists to be more colorful and even humorous. I believe the works I selected show hope for the future.”

You can click HERE to view the Show Program, which includes names of all selected artists.  I am honored to be included in this show.


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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Virtual Halloween Crafts

 Halloween Crafts Picture

Excited to be hosting some fun Halloween crafts next week at our local library!  


Make your own fun and spooky Halloween decorations!  Make a ghostly mason jar candle holder and a spider web embroidery hoop in this hands-on craft for ages 8 to 12, led by local crafter and fiber artist Marsha Borden via zoom.  Wednesday, October 20th at 4:15pm.  Space is limited.  Registration required.  Register multiple children separately so they each get to make their own crafts.  All supplies provided.  Pick up your craft kit from the library children’s department after registering, on or after October 14th.  You will be emailed the zoom link upon registration.  If you cannot make it for any reason, please call the children’s department at (203) 453-8282 so we can open up the spot to someone else.  (**The session is FULL).


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Sunday, October 10, 2021


It was a lovely day in Brooklyn, NYC last Sunday!  Thrilling to walk around the Red Hook waterfront area and have lunch with family at a great Thai restaurant we found along the way.  

The show itself, RECYCLE at Brooklyn Water front Artists Coalition (BWAC) did not disappoint.  Here are some images:

Plastic Yarn Picnic Blanket (back wall), 2021, Marsha Borden

Plastic Yarn Picnic Blanket, 2021, Marsha Borden
Plastic Yarn Picnic Blanket, 2021, Marsha Borden


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Friday, September 17, 2021

RECYCLE Show at Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition (BWAC) Gallery

It's so great to have one of my pieces included in my first New York City group show - RECYCLE, a national juried exhibition of art created with repurposed materials.  Juror was John Cloud Kaiser, the Director of Education at Materials for the Arts (MFTA), one of the largest reuse centers in the U.S. and a program of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

Plastic Picnic Blanket, Marsha Borden, 2021

My work, pictured above, will be on view with the other works in the group show until October 17, 2021.  The gallery is open weekends from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Here is a bit of info about the gallery:

The Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition (BWAC, pronounced bee-wack) is a 501.c.3 non-profit corporation. Organized in 1978 by 16 artists looking for a place to exhibit, BWAC has grown to become Brooklyn’s largest artist-run organization with over 250 members. Our artist/members are the management, leadership, board and staff.We have two synergistic missions:* to assist emerging artists in advancing their artistic careers; * to present the art-of-today in an easily accessible format.For 40 years, BWAC has been exhibiting the artwork of local Brooklyn artists. Our three seasonal mega-exhibits, which include juried and member shows, present a wide variety of contemporary visual arts from the traditional to the experimental cutting edge.BWAC’s 25,000 square foot gallery is in a Civil War-era warehouse on the Red Hook waterfront. The vista of New York Harbor, spanning the Statue of Liberty to the Verrazano Bridge is one of the best in the city. Our 10,000 annual visitors also enjoy the nearby restaurants, bars, IKEA and Fairway Market. With every medium and style of artwork represented, as well as the free BWAC Red Hook Waterfront Performance Series, our shows are as spectacular as the setting.

Here are a few reviews of the current RECYCLE 2021 show:

911 Gallery Review 

 Brooklyn Reporter Review

 Brooklyn Paper Review

And I hope to post my own review once I get to see the show!


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Faculty, Creative Arts Workshop in New Haven!

I'm so excited to be one of Creative Arts Workshop's newest teaching artists!  I love Creative Arts Workshop, nestled in the wonderful Audubon Arts area of New Haven, Connecticut.  Ive taken classes there, as have both of my children.  It's a great place.  Can't wait to dive in with a fiber class - stay tuned!

You can learn more about Creative Arts Workshop HERE.


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Another New Fall Class!

I'm excited to be teaching a new class at Guilford Art Center this fall!

Here are the details:

Tattoo Your Sweater!

Do you have a great sweater in your closet that's just a little plain? Now's the time to make it special. Bring your pullovers and cardigans and learn some big embroidery techniques to infuse new life into your garments. This class is designed for those who know how to embroider, those who learned to embroider once upon a time and those who haven't yet learned to embroider. Your instructor will provide basic instruction in a few of her favorite, easy-to-learn embroidery stitches. Each session will begin with one specific stitch, with practice time to follow. Some crewel wool and tapestry yarn will be provided for practicing. If you are particular about colors, please bring your own. Yarn needles provided. Please note: no class 10/11. 

You can find out more information and register HERE.



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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Macrame at Cultural Center of Cape Cod

New Class for Fall!

ONLINE: DIY Macrame Market Bag Workshop, with Marsha Borden

Presented by Cultural Center of Cape Cod at Cultural Center of Cape Cod, South Yarmouth MA

Saturday, September 25 from 1 - 3 p.m.

ONLINE: DIY Macrame Market Bag Workshop, with Marsha Borden 
Macrame is making a comeback! This 1970s craft is enjoying a resurgence in fashion and home design, and you can join in on the fun!  Together, we will use two easy-to-learn knotting techniques to make a one-of-a kind market bag you can use to carry your produce from the grocer or farm market. $35/$30 for members. To register, visit

Join Us!


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Thank You SO Much!


A BIG thank you to all of my supporters as I launch my new Etsy Shop.

    "Wishing you the best for your shop!"  ~Shazeeda Designs

    "Congrats and best of luck!"  ~bycandyp

    "Way to go!  Congratulations!"  ~Renee McCoy

    "Good for you!"  ~Radical Embroiderer

    "Congrats!  Best of luck with it!"  ~Marigold Rain 

    "I wish you the very best with your shop!"  ~Cassy from Archer Knits

    "Good for you!"  ~Suzanne Ledes Masikkerbol

So grateful for the support. It means a lot.  THANK YOU!

 My Shop is live!  You can click HERE to find it.



Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
I look forward to hearing from you on my website at 
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Thursday, July 29, 2021




So excited to announce the launch of my online shop, Marsha Makes!  The creation of my shop has been such an awesome experience.  I've enjoyed putting all the (numerous!) pieces together to finally get it up and running.

You can learn more about the items I'm listing in my shop, as well as some other fun facts about my new venture by clicking HERE.


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Final Weekend of Our DNA at Kehler Liddell Gallery in New Haven

 This has been such a great show.  Just a few more days and it will be time to de-install. 

Thank you, Kehler Liddell, for the feature and Instagram post.


You can see more on my Instagram at @marshamakes.


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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Friday, July 9, 2021

Our DNA at Kehler Liddell Gallery in New Haven!

I'm over the moon to be included in Kehler Liddell's 5th Annual Juried Show in New Haven, Connecticut!  Titled Our DNA, the exhibit runs through July 25th, 2021.

Here's a little blurb from the gallery:

    For this year’s juried show, the artists at KLG asked their colleagues to consider the following:

    We humans are biological siblings, belonging to the genus Homo, and as Sapiens, the last surviving species of our genus. The last year spoke loudly of divisions and differences, but for this exhibit, we ask you as artists to focus on our 99.9% shared genome. Using any tools or languages, explore the belief systems and vocabularies of our family tree that touch on our common physical or metaphorical DNA, our essential humanity, the soul of the Sapien.

Having reviewed submissions from as far away as Cyprus, and as close as our own Elm City, the jury curated an exhibition showcasing the responses of over 50 artists working in a wide range of media.

You can check out images from all the artists in the show HERE.  

Here is my work, in an image captured by the gallery:

WE (Cut from the Same Cloth) I and II, Marsha Borden

And here is what The Daily Nutmeg had to say about it -

"A few works emphasize the “Our” in the exhibition’s title—the characteristics we share. Marsha Borden’s companion pieces WE (Cut From the Same Cloth) I and II are literally so—patchwork pieces labeled “Us” and “Them” stitched together into a doll and a ball. The titles emphasize our similarities, while the pieces ironically point to an impulse to differentiate and divide that is sewn into us."

A HUGE thank you to Kathy Leonard Czepiel, Associate Editor at Daily Nutmeg (New Haven's Weekly Magazine), for an insightful review of the show.  You can read the full article HERE.

You can read a second review of the show HERE, this one by the awesome Brian Slattery at New Haven Independent.  

Thanks for reading!  


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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Friday, June 11, 2021

More Yarn Bombing Installation Photos

 I added a few more pieces the other day, and I took my daughter along to take some photos:

On your mark, get set......


Sewing my way around the tree

Ta da!

Looks Amazing!

Here's another link to the gallery:  gallery


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Friday, June 4, 2021

Crochet Graffiti!

Whatever you want to call it - yarn bombing, crochet graffiti, street art, yarn storming or guerrilla crocheting - it's the best thing in the world!!!!  Creating knitted or crocheted yarn installations is such a great way to move art out of galleries and studios and into the real world.  Arts exists in the most unexpected places, and it is pure joy to stumble upon something like a bench or a fire hydrant draped in knitted or crocheted yarn.  

Of course, yarn bombing has a long history as a type of graffiti or street art.  Many times, public yarn displays carry some sort of message to the viewer;  they are installed secretly and can turn up in the most unusual places.  In my version, I rescue discarded knit and crochet pieces and give them a second life by modifying them and moving them back out into the world to be seen and enjoyed.    

Last week, with permission of the gallery owner at Spectrum Gallery in Essex, Connecticut, I yarn bombed a tree a few feet away from the gallery's front door.  I used granny square pieces that I deconstructed and subsequently reconstructed so they would fit snugly around the tree.  I crocheted strips and squares together, matched them to the tree, and then sewed them all the way around the trunk, going up as far as I could.  


As people re-emerge from their COVID cocoons, it's a great time to be installing outdoor art.  As I worked on the tree, it was so gratifying to get spontaneous feedback from motorists and pedestrians passing by - waves, thumbs-up, smiles, comments - "Looks great!"  "That's awesome!" and "I love your yarn bombing!"  And, an entire class of children, teachers and chaperones walked by and sung the praises of this funky wrapped tree.  So it was a win all the way around!

You can see a photo of the installation on Spectrum Gallery's website here:  Abstracting Nature Exhibit at Spectrum Gallery.


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
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