Friday, June 22, 2018

Press, BioCT STE(A)M: Arts and Design in Science Exhibition

I am thrilled to be mentioned in this press release (see below)!:

BioCT holds Summer Kick-Off at in Groton

The weather cooperated beautifully at BioCT’s 3rd Annual Summer Kick-Off, held at The Innovation Commons in Groton June 12. “We were thrilled to see so many members, colleagues, and friends at the event,” said Dawn Hocevar, president and CEO of BioCT.

The evening started out with the first-ever BioCT STE[A]M: Arts and Design in Science Exhibition, featuring scientists who are artists or artists who love science from around the state.

One of the artists, Marsha Borden, said, “The entire art exhibition looked great last night!  I especially appreciated the installation of my piece. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to get that up on the wall. But it looked perfect,” she said, referring to her Trashy Coral piece made entirely of recycled plastic bags.

At 5 pm a commemorative plaque was unveiled, thanking Connectictut’s Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and Pfizer for making the incubator/co-working space at The Commons possible. Pfizer donated the building and DECD funded the buildout.

“Thank you to Pfizer for your continued efforts to give back to the Connecticut bioscience community, and thank you to Governor Malloy and Commissioner Smith for your dedication to growing bioscience in Connecticut,” Hocevar said. “We also want to thank Susan Froshauer, former president and CEO of CURE, for all her efforts, dedication, and hard work bringing The Commons to fruition." 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Trashy Coral Reef

I'm so happy my Coral Reef has found a new home at Bio CT Innovation Commons, a lab, office, and event space in Southeast Coastal CT.  The call was for scientifically-themed art, and my piece turned out to be a perfect fit.  I made Trashy Coral Reef solely with single-use plastic bags.  It features the vibrant colors and unique sculptural shapes seen in living coral reefs -  wrinkles, pipes, tentacles, anemone, coral, sponges, tubes, and seaweed - all sculpted out of plastic bags.

It was a pleasure to make and I'm so glad it will be displayed in their space through January 2019!

The opening on Tuesday night was an absolute dream.  Wonderful people, great networking, and excellent food!

The future of our oceans' coral reefs depends on our ability to protect them. My hope is to raise awareness of the problem of the plastic bag and its impact on our natural environment.  

Thank you for taking a look!  Stop back again soon!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

A New Home for my Trashy Coral Reef


This baby has found a new home!!!  For the next six months, my handmade coral reef will be   included in the exhibit titled, STE(A)M:  Arts and Design in Science in Groton, CT.

I snapped a shot of the piece right after I loaded it in the back of my car:

I can't wait to see it displayed in the show!

Check back soon for more photos from the opening for the exhibit, which takes place in a few days.



Sunday, June 3, 2018

It's all in the details


I want to share some of the detail work from my Time Passages piece.  I really enjoyed working on this, especially making the small fabric-backed key chains.  For each one, I used repurposed bits of fabric, including denim, gauze, calico cotton, and woolen sweaters.  I typed the labels on my old Smith-Corona manual typewriter, and then hand-embroidered each label to the fabric backing.

Each key was individually attached to chicken wire with a small clip.  I didn't count the keys but there had to be well over 200 of them.

Here are some close-ups:

Thanks for peeking!  Stop back soon.
