Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Guilford Art League 72nd Annual Juried Exhibition

Two of my works were selected for inclusion in Guilford Art League's 72nd Juried Exhibition, September 9 - 28, 2019.  The exhibition, held at Mill Gallery, Guilford Art Center,  showcased 90 artworks.

The juror, Patricia Miranda, is an artist, curator and educator who uses interdisciplinary projects to make connections among art, science, history and culture.  Of this year's exhibit, she stated, "The strong quality and diversity of the work was inspiring, from quiet observational naturalism to bold gestural abstraction, from poetic interpretation to wry humor....Listening to the artworks, they began to create families, grouping themselves through color, mood, subject, and the indefinable connections that come about through the coincidence of works."

My two accepted works, Tree in the Year 2120 and Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave, incorporated reused and recycled materials - plastic single-use bags, newspaper plastic bags, and cardboard. 

Tree in the Year 2120, cardboard tube and plastic bags, Mill Gallery, Guilford Art Center

Gallery view, Tree in the Year 2120, Mill Art Gallery, Guilford Art Center

 And my second piece:

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave, tree branch and plastic bags, Mill Gallery, Guilford Art Center

Gallery View, Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave, Mill Gallery, Guilford Art Center

At the opening reception on Friday, September 13, 2019, I was surprised (and honored) to be selected for an Honorable Mention prize for my Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave work.

Here are a few pictures of the opening reception:

Opening Reception, GAL 72nd Annual Juried Exhibition
Opening Reception, GAL 72nd Annual Juried Exhibition 

 Thanks for reading!

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