Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Fun Tween Workshop at our Local Library

Thank you, Guilford Free Library, for inviting me to lead a workshop for Tweens this past Wednesday!  We had so much fun making yarn from t-shirts and weaving little coasters for our mugs of hot cocoa.

Eco-Friendly Mug Rugs Workshop January 14, 2020

There was so much creative energy in the room as we cut our previously-loved t-shirts and made our yarn.
Making T-Shirt Yarn
Making T-Shirt Yarn

Time to weave on our circular looms!

Around and Around

Weaving Fun!
Still Weaving
It Looks Beautiful!

 A few workshop participants took their in-process work home for finishing, but here is one that was completed.

Eco-Friendly Mug Rug
Such a fun, worthwhile project!  Good for the environment and good for the participants, who all left the workshop with knowledge about how to make their own yarn from old t-shirts at home, extra t-shirt yarn for new projects, AND either an almost completed or fully completed mug rug!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Throwback to 2018!

I was thrilled to be selected for a solo exhibit during 2018, titled Remixed:  A Kaleidoscope of Plastic, at Ives Gallery, New Haven Free Public Library (NHFPL), New Haven, Connecticut.  That show really opened up doors for me, most notably the opportunity to be a panel reviewer/juror for subsequent exhibitions there, but also an invitation to lead creative reuse programs at one of the libraries in the NHFPL system, Mitchell Library.

I am proud to be included in NHFPL's July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Annual Report brochure, seen here in an excerpt from page 14 - 15, upper right corner:

It is a little easier to read if you go to the link here.  Just flip through to page 15.

I think the thing that makes me the happiest is knowing that my work with plastic bags helps raise awareness of the problem of plastic pollution, providing people the chance to see creative reuse in action.

Thanks for reading!