Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Virtual Halloween Crafts

 Halloween Crafts Picture

Excited to be hosting some fun Halloween crafts next week at our local library!  


Make your own fun and spooky Halloween decorations!  Make a ghostly mason jar candle holder and a spider web embroidery hoop in this hands-on craft for ages 8 to 12, led by local crafter and fiber artist Marsha Borden via zoom.  Wednesday, October 20th at 4:15pm.  Space is limited.  Registration required.  Register multiple children separately so they each get to make their own crafts.  All supplies provided.  Pick up your craft kit from the library children’s department after registering, on or after October 14th.  You will be emailed the zoom link upon registration.  If you cannot make it for any reason, please call the children’s department at (203) 453-8282 so we can open up the spot to someone else.  (**The session is FULL).


Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
I look forward to hearing from you on my website at 
or right here on my blog 
(you're reading it!) at www.marshamakes.blogspot.com.

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