Wednesday, September 13, 2023

An Oasis at The Institute Library

So thrilled to have my installation work in this spectacular show, now at The Institute Library Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut.

For this show, called Oasis, I created a piece titled, Luminous Effulgence:  Seaside.  My intent was to conjure warm ocean ocean breezes for meditative contemplation.  The circular forms overlap to manipulate light and shadow, relying on gravity to create tension to hold the work in place.  Each hanging form is made of a combination of man made (nylon) and natural (rocks scavenged from the Long Island Sound in Connecticut).

It's a pleasure to show this work along with so many other talented artists!  You can see my work in the background of this photo, featured in the New Haven Independent, along with work by John Hatch titled Tea Time with Marcel DuChamp.

For a review of the show (in the New Haven Independent by Brian Slattery), click HERE.  You can see my piece in the background of the first photo (also below). 
Thank you for visiting my blog!  I hope you enjoyed reading about what's been going on for me artistically.  
I look forward to hearing from you on my website at 
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