Monday, November 23, 2020

USPS Art Project at ECOCA

Over the summer, I collaborated with my friend Janet Warner for the USPS Art Project, hosted by Ely Center of Contemporary Art (ECOCA) in New Haven, Connecticut.  This project was started by artist Christina Massey as a call to action to support the United States Postal Service (USPS) during the COVID-19 crisis.  

Here's how it worked - Each artist began an artwork for their collaboration partners to finish, sending them to each other by mail.  It was designed to help artists feel connected while practicing social distancing, while at the same time, helping to support the financially struggling USPS.  The project was free and open for all to participate.  

Janet and I created an 18" x 23" linen tapestry with hand-sewn and embroidered elements in earth-tone hues.  We named it Lateral Inhibitions.  

The show was huge - over 330 collaborative works from across the country.  And to pull off an on-site exhibit during this pandemic was truly amazing.  Thank you to all the organizers - including Margaret Roleke and Maxim Schmidt - who made this show happen! 


Exhibition View - Lateral Inhibitions

You can see the entire exhibition list here - USPS Art Project Exhibition List.  If you scroll down to pages 29 and 30 you can see the gallery room as well as connect (through a link) to a detail view of the piece on Instagram.  Totally worth it to take a few minutes to check out all of the great work in this show!  

You can also see a totally cool virtual tour here - USPS Art Project Virtual Tour.  

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