Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Hat for a Cat


Today I am remembering Pancake, our cat who went to Kitty Heaven just a few weeks ago.  She lived a good, long life.  We have many fond memories of all of our years together.  Pancake was usually quite good-natured about being dressed in various costumes, including t-shirts, tiaras and necklaces.  Above all, she was an important member of our family.  She is missed.  Dearly.

RIP Pancake February 15, 2005 - March 27, 2016

In honor of Pancake, I'm knitting a bunch of hats for cats.  Pancake would have looked adorable in a hat, that's for sure.  I'm using patterns from the book, Cats in Hats:  30 Knit and Crochet Patterns for Your Kitty by Sara Thomas.

Here is the beginning of a Pumpkin Hat.  First you make the first ear hole, following the pattern:

Then you knit the middle and go on to knit the second ear hole:

And, done!

This Pumpkin Kitty Hat is slated to be mailed off to my sister, for one of her cats.  I'll post photos of how it looks!

Thanks for stopping by,


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