Monday, April 4, 2016

Gardening as Craft

Happy April!

Despite the hurricane-force winds, sleet and snow we've had recently, spring is here!  Freaky weather, but that's to be expected here in New England.  We've planted a few seedlings indoors - some basil and some morning glories - but so far we haven't seen anything green sprout.  Still, I know it won't be long before it's time to tackle the garden outdoors.

Here is a photo of some of last year's bounty from our garden: 


 Here is a poem I found.  It speaks to me about gardening as craft.

Why do plants have such a positive impact on us? 
There are a number of reasons, including:
They have a predictable cycle of life that provides comfort
in our time of rapid change.
They are responsive but nonthreatening.
They form no opinions or judgments about their caregivers.
They soften our man-made environment.
They enable us to change or improve our environment.
They promote relaxation and tranquility.
-   Gardening - Therapy for Mind, Body and Soul, Proxima Health System, Atlanta

Until next time,


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