Yay! I am so happy to share that my reader comments were published in the December 2020/January 2021 issue of Quilting Arts magazine. I LOVE this magazine. I've always picked up current and back issues at our local library, but several months ago, I decided to treat myself and sign up for a subscription. Of course I save each and every issue, and I constantly refer to them for both technique suggestions and for inspiration. One article in particular was super helpful to me, and I decided to write about it.
Quilting Arts Magazine, December 2020/January 2021 issue |
Table of Contents, "It's Your Turn" Department |
It's Your Turn Feature, Quilting Arts Magazine |
Dear Quilting Arts,
Cindy Griselda's article on color ("Add a Sparkle of Color," August/September issue)could not have been more welcomed. As a textile artist and continuing education student in surface design, I found Cindy's no-nonsense advice for tackling color theory refreshing and spot on. For any designer, conquering color is a first step in the process of creating pleasing palettes that reflect an artist's personal aesthetic. By translating complicated color concepts into an easy-to-follow protocol of key steps, Cindy's tips expertly de-mistify the process.
Thank you, Cindy!
Here is a link to the article. It looks a little weird but you can see my letter there: Preview of Quilting Arts article
And here is a link to Quilting Arts magazine's website. It includes some information about the current issue, as well as highlights from previous issues. Definitely worth looking at. Quilting Arts Website.
Thanks for reading!
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